Often called "ear coverts", these small feathers are on the side of the birds head and cover the ear openings.|
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axillars [axil.wav]
These are often stiff, long feathers which are located in the "armpit region" on the underside of the wing next to the body. In flight they cover the area between the base of the spread wing and the body. The Prairie Falcon shows these well in flight.|
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beak [beak.wav]
Also known as "bill" or technically "rostrum." It is the projecting jaws of a bird that has horny sheaths and consists of an upper and lower mandible. It is used in plumage maintenance, courtship activities, defense, nest-building, and food gathering.|
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belly [bell.wav]
Also called the abdomen, this is the region between the breast and the vent on the undersurface (ventral side) of a bird.|
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breast [breast.wav]
The region on the upper undersurface (ventral side) of a bird between the throat and belly.|
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carpal [carp.wav]
The small region on the underwing at the wrist, or bend of the wing, that includes most of the primary underwing coverts. Sometimes it forms a distinct patch, like in the Rough-legged Hawk.|
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cere [cere.wav]
The bare skin, or fleshy covering, surrounding the nostrils at the base (head end) of the upper mandible.|
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cheek [cheek.wav]
The area behind the beak, and below the ear, on the side of the head.|
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crown [crow.wav]
The top of the head; the area between the forehead and the back of the head.|
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eye-line [eyel.wav]
A line, usually dark, that passes through the eye or may be found in front of or behind the eye, but at the same level.|
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eye-ring [eyer.wav]
A ring of bare skin, often colored, that encircles the eye. In some hawks, like falcons, it may be widest in front of the eye.|
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feet [feet2.wav]
The part of the leg between the heel (where the leg bends backward instead of forward) to, and including, the toes. Most birds stand and walk on their toes!|
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forehead [fore.wav]
The small area on the front of the head between the bill and the crown.|
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gape [gape.wav]
The corner of the mouth between the the upper and lower bill, usually noticeable when the beak is open. In some species, like the Ferruginous Hawk, the gape is noticeable on the closed beak.|
per1.bmp ()
greater coverts [grcv.wav]
These are the small feathers that cover, or overlie, the main primary, secondary and tail feathers, both on top of and below the body. Some also cover the auriculars (ear coverts). They are named for the area of the body they cover. For example, the upper tail coverts, while often mistaken for the "rump", actually cover the base of the tail feathers.|
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hind neck [hind.wav]
The back part of the head between the crown and the bottom of the neck.|
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leading edge [lead.wav]
The front, or head, edge of the wing that extends along the entire wing.|
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leg [leg.wav]
The true leg of a bird is mostly hidden by feathers and includes the upper portion between the heel and the hip joint.|
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leg feathers [legf.wav]
Feathers covering the legs.|
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lesser coverts [lscv.wav]
These are the small feathers that cover, or overlie, the main primary, secondary and tail feathers, both on top of and below the body. Some also cover the auriculars (ear coverts). They are named for the area of the body they cover. For example, the upper tail coverts, while often mistaken for the "rump", actually cover the base of the tail feathers.|
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lower mandible [lowr.wav]
The bottom portion of the beak.|
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malar stripe [mahl.wav]
Often referred to as "mustache." A dark mark or stripe on the cheek of a bird below the eye.|
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median coverts [mdcv.wav]
These are the small feathers that cover, or overlie, the main primary, secondary and tail feathers, both on top of and below the body. Some also cover the auriculars (ear coverts). They are named for the area of the body they cover. For example, the upper tail coverts, while often mistaken for the "rump", actually cover the base of the tail feathers.|
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mustache mark [must.wav]
Also called malar stripe.|
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nape [nape.wav]
The back part of the upper neck.|
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ocelli [ocel.wav]
An eye-like pattern on the plumage of a bird which in hawks may be light or dark and usually on the nape and hind neck. See adult male dark-morph Rough-legged Hawk.|
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patagium [pata.wav]
This is a triangular-shaped structure that stretches between the shoulder (body) and the wrist along the front edge of the wing.|
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primaries [prim.wav]
These are the "flight feathers", the outermost feathers on the "hand" of the wing.|
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secondaries [seco.wav]
These are the feathers found on the innermost part of the wing, closest to the body, on the "forearm".|
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shoulder [shou.wav]
The region on the upper back of a bird where the upper part of the wing joins the body.|
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spotting [spot.wav]
A collection of light or dark, usually small and roundish, marks that differ in color from the overall plumage of a hawk.|
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streaking [streak.wav]
Usually a long, narrow mark that is distinguished by its darker color from the rest of a bird's body.|
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superciliary line [super.wav]
Often called the "eye brow", this is a contrasting plumage marking above the eye.|
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supraorbital ridge [supa.wav]
A bony projection over the eye.|
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tail [tail.wav]
An appendage of feathers that protrudes backwards from the rump of a bird. The main feathers are called rectrices, but the upper and lower tail coverts cover the base of these.|
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tail banding [tailband.wav]
A stripe, wide or narrow, long or short, that is found as a different color on the tail. It may be a single band at the end of the tail (terminal band) or occur as a series of alternate strips along the entire tail.|
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throat [thro.wav]
The area on the front ventral part of a hawk between the chin at the base of the lower mandible and the lower foreneck. The region is sometimes called the "upper foreneck."|
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trailing edge [trail.wav]
The edge of the wing that includes the rear portion of the flight feathers (secondary and primary feathers). In hawks it is frequently banded.|
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undertail coverts [uncv.wav]
These are the small feathers that cover, or overlie, the main primary, secondary and tail feathers, both on top of and below the body. Some also cover the auriculars (ear coverts). They are named for the area of the body they cover. For example, the upper tail coverts, while often mistaken for the "rump", actually cover the base of the tail feathers.|
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underwing coverts [uwcv.wav]
These are the small feathers that cover, or overlie, the main primary, secondary and tail feathers, both on top of and below the body. Some also cover the auriculars (ear coverts). They are named for the area of the body they cover. For example, the upper tail coverts, while often mistaken for the "rump", actually cover the base of the tail feathers.|